
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Feeling Thankful

Predictable, right? ...a Thanksgiving post about thankfulness.

To be honest, it's a post I've had on my heart every day since January 18, and it'll continue to be on my heart long after today.

Over the last 28 days I've been reading facebook status after facebook status about what my friends are thankful for each day up to today. What a happy month, celebrations of our many blessings each and every day, leading up to this glorious day of family, food and of course, football.

Love it.

Over the last 10 1/2 months, I have not had to dig too deep or look too hard to find things to be thankful for or reasons to say, "Thank you!"

has become a very humbling spot for me to sit...

About 150 notes in with many many more to go...

...and today, I would like to say "Thank you!"

Thank you to each and every one of you who has supported us and loved us over the last 10 months.

Thank you for being the reason that just last week I went to Target and bought clothes for the first time for our ten month old... oh, and I paid for them with a gift card.

Thank you for the fact that to this day, we have not spent a dime on diapers, wipes, formula, baby food...

Thank you for the toys that Mercy can't get enough of, she is learning new skills as she plays with the gifts that you gave her!

Thank you for meals you cooked us while we were back and forth from the NICU and continued to bring us when we were home adjusting to life with a new baby. Thank you for the frozen meals that continued to feed us on busy nights until just recently.

Thank you for spending your time with Mercy when the requirements of working with youth don't include diapers, bottles or a baby.

Friends, thank you for your touch. In immense fear and in celebration, your touch, your hugs, your hands in mine and your shoulders to lean and cry on. Your physical presence and touch have brought overwhelming peace and blessings.

Thank you for your sweet comments, your hearts for our daughter, your excitement as we all watch her grow and change...

Thank you... I can't thank you enough, you will never ever know how grateful we are to each one of you who has loved us... who has prayed for us.

Your petitions and pleas to our Savior are part of the reason we made it through the NICU in one piece. The peace that you prayed for us washed over us daily, and continues to. Your prayers for complete healing in Mercy's body and in my heart were granted. God is absolutely sovereign and His grace and mercy have been abundant. Thank you for being the instruments He has used over the last ten months to teach us this in a very personal and intimate way time and time again.

Your friendships are irreplaceable, YOU have deeply impacted our lives. You are so more deeply loved by the three of us than I could ever express here.

Thank you!

...and Super Happy Thanksgiving!

Friends, let's extend our days of gratitude to the end of the year, the beginning of next year, all the way through next November, then let's start over. So much to be grateful for, so many blessings...

I love you all.

"I thank my God every time I remember you.
In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy."
Philippians 1:3

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